Hey!!!! Sorry I missed last week, things were crazy. We went to Raiatea way early for a hike, and we were supposed to catch the 3:30 boat home, but we didn't finish the hike until 4. So we made the 5:00 boat and weren't back to Tahaa until after 6. We had to rush to a dinner appointment and that pretty much sums it up! But the hike was beautiful! There is one type of flower that is only on that island, they can't get it to grow anywhere else in the world. But it wasn't bloomed or something like that, so we didn't actually see it, so now I am questioning why I even mentioned it. Oh well.
Happy Birthday Elder Kerr |
Well, I guess I will give a little rundown of last week, if I even remember what was last week and what was this week, it all kind of blurs together. My birthday was great, thanks everyone for the emails! We made crepes for breakfast, and scrambled eggs and frozen hamburger for lunch, so that was pretty fancy to say the least. But it was actually a ton of fun! Other than the extra meal effort, it was a pretty normal day, but a normal day doing missionary work on Tahaa is a pretty darn amazing birthday if you ask me. Last Saturday was rough though. Basically all of our investigators have been progressing up to the same point, and we were going to invite something like 8 people to get baptized. I think we had 6 lessons planned that day and it was just gonna be crazy. At the end of the day, we had 2 lessons fall through, one dropped investigator, and nobody committed to baptism. We were so upset by the end of our last lesson. But we had a little tender mercy. Leaving the last house after our last rejection, I was getting on my bike, stepped in a hole, and totally fell on my side. Elder McQuiston and I were laughing so hard about it for like 20 minutes. We were joking that you know it's a rough day when falling off your bike is the best part. But the work goes on!
This week was actually amazing, so I guess we just jumped the gun a little bit on last weeks goals. I will start with Ahutiare. She is an 11 year old investigator and is awesome. I won't explain everything, but we have been teaching her for quite a while. Finally this last week we sat down with her and just had her pray with us about baptism. The spirit was so strong and she committed! And not only that, but for that Sunday! She got baptized and confirmed yesterday and it was amazing! I confirmed her, which was way scary in french, but it went well. I can honestly feel God's love for her and I am so happy she decided to get baptized, the spirit was so strong!
Well, I was dumb enough to start with the highlight of the week, so now anything else I say will sound lame by comparison. Oh well, pas grave. "Pas grave" is a phrase they say all the time here. I think it directly translates to not important, but it kind of means no worries, or oh well, or something like that. Pretty much the island motto. It is such a common phrase here, so now you know what it means if it starts sneaking its way into my letters.
I just asked my companion if anything funny happened this week. He paused then started laughing and said its so funny when members roast me and I have no idea whats going on. I hope you all know that I find that way funny, so hopefully you can get some joy imagining it. My comprehension has definitely been improving, but it is far from perfect. But its going good! If I can give people some laughs along the way, all the better.
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