Last Transfer / Sent June 17, 2019

I'm starting my last transfer!! I am staying here where I have been since the start of the year, and it's where I'm gonna finish. I'm excited though, my new companion is named Elder Ribera and he is French, and I'm actually the only American in my house, so I am really gonna be able to perfect my French this last transfer. Time is going by so fast!! I don't want it to end!
Ok, I need to give a shout out to my last companion, Elder Ward. He is ending his mission today, and he was a great companion. And on Sunday, he gave one of the best talks I have ever heard given. His whole family are all converts, and he told the story, starting with his dad, but as if it wasn't his family. All in the third person. It was an amazing story, and at the end, he said "and two years ago this man's oldest son got called to serve in Tahiti. And right now he is speaking in sacrament meeting. And tomorrow he is ending his mission." Right when he said that, he paused, and then just started to cry, and he never cries. Oh man, you could just feel his love for the Lord and for his mission. I have never been so close to tears in a sacrament meeting talk, and most of the ward were all crying. It was super inspirational and the spirit was super strong. Thanks Elder Ward!
Well, I'm excited to hit this last transfer running. It's gonna be a great one. Love you all and have a great week!
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