Happy New Year! / Sent Dec. 31st
Sooooo, news for the week!! Transfers baby! I'm bouncing out, but not very far away. I'm actually staying in the same zone, but now I am going zone leader and I'm gonna be just a couple sectors over. All my transfers are just a couple over, its pretty funny. But I'm hyped, I get to still see elder clarke, and my new companion is Elder Brown, and he's the best!! So pumped to serve with him, he started with me.
Also, Saturday was the best! We had a baptism for a cute little 9 year old girl named lorelei. It was Elder Clarkes first baptism, and he got to baptise her, and it was his birthday!! Pretty stellar way to end the transfer if you asked me. These two transfers in Mahaiatea have been the best. We came here in a whitewash and there were only two lessons fixed for the week. Now we had a baptism, and three other ones fixed for the future. And a ton of work going, it was been so rewarding to see the change here after all the work we have been putting in. God has blessed us a ton, these two transfers have been some of my favorite.
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