Crazy Week / Sent Nov. 5, 2018
Well, this week definitely felt a little nuts. I will try to sum it up the best I can. Wish me luck!
Me and Elder Clarke have been doing good though, and we thought we were going to finish out the last two weeks of the transfer like that, but nope, plot twist! The assistants called and let me know that later today I am going to go get another companion, someone who is waiting for a visa. So starting later today I will be in a trio again, with a tahitian who probably doesn't speak english, and Elder Clarke who is still learning french, so that's gonna be an experience. Just when I thought my transfer couldn't get any weirder. But I'm pretty pumped, It's sure to be a few weeks full of laughter.
The hardest part of this week was having to say goodbye to Elder Hurd. He had to go home this week and it was really hard to see him go. But I have to give him a huge shout out for being a great missionary, even though he was dealing with a lot of stuff we didn't even know about, and I am sure he will be able to come back one day and kill it as a great missionary.
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