Long time no see / Sent June 4, 2018
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Working out with the members! (Or trying to get water out of his ear.) |
One of my favorite families from Haamene got baptized!!!! It was too bad I wasn't there to see it, but I am still so happy for them!
Because of an emergency transfer, the last week or so I have been in a trio(ish) with Elder Bennett and Moore, which has been fun because me and Elder Moore went to high school together!
Transfer news, me and Elder Bennett are staying in Papara, if all goes well we will be seeing some weddings and baptisms by the time we are out.
I saw carpet for the first time the other day!! Lets just say I know why nobody uses carpet now.
Utah did not invent fry sauce, Tahiti did. But the original name is in french, that's why nobody knew. Here it's called "Hamburger Sauce" (In a french accent of course.)
I saw the scariest dog of my life. We contacted a house, and the gate was open and the biggest dog in the world came after us. Luckily his bark was worse than his bite, but man, I have never before feared for my life like I did then.
We came across a bunch of scented stickers. I have put one in my planner everyday for good luck. Still don't have enough data to know if it is effective. I will keep you all updated.
That's everything I can think of off the top of my head. I would like to end with a cool spiritual experience I had. So, you know those Q-tip things that always say don't put them in your ears, but everyone does anyway? Well, lets just say I learned why they put that warning on. I plugged my ear up at the start of the transfer, and it would not open back up!!! We tried everything, from hot water, to spraying the side of my face with a hose (that one was pretty funny), and nothing helped, I couldn't hear for weeks. I finally went to the doctor and got ear drops, but those made it way worse. Honestly, I started going a little crazy by the end, it had been about a month and I finally humbled myself enough to ask for a priesthood blessing. Elder Moore and Bennett were great about it and Elder Bennett gave me a wonderful blessing. And voila, totally healed by the next day! I can testify that the power behind priesthood blessings is real. I have seen multiple miracles with that during my mission, and this one happened to be for me. Why I thought about using the hose before the powers of heaven is beyond me, but I know that God will help us if we will just ask!
Thanks for all the love and support and emails and everything! Love you all and have a great week!
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