My subject line has a couple meanings. First off is my name. The name Kerr sounds pretty much exactly like the word "coeur", which is french for heart. That's what we tell everyone to help them be able to say and remember my name, and they love it. The second thing is I ate some cow heart this week. It was funny, the guy giving it to us was laughing that it was my name, and he was saying we were eating heart, like my name. For a second I thought he said we were going to eat me. That was awkward, but way funny. My companion gets such a kick out of my misinterpretations, and honestly I do to, some of them are awesome fails.
I might as well share one of those language fails now. Last night for dinner we were with a fun family, and my companion Elder McQuiston is really trying to improve his Tahitian, so he always asks how to say stuff in Tahitian, because this is pretty much the best island in the mission to really pick up Tahitian. Well, I kind of zoned out, and suddenly the old grandma started yelling to get my attention. She was saying a word in Tahitian, then translating it for me in French, but I wasn't getting either of them. Then she started flinging her hands in a slapping motion to help me understand, but quite frankly I just got way more confused. Then the whole family decided to help and all started throwing slap motions around while talking in Tahitian. Then after a bit of confusion they went from slapping to boxing. Needless to say I was confused, they were frustrated, and I don't think I have ever seen my companion laugh so hard. I eventually just told them I understood, and we went on with the dinner. Afterwards my companion said that they were just trying to tell my the different words of beating people up. I said that I figured that, but why on earth were they doing that. He said good question, he didn't know. Well, good times, a little strange, but so fun.
We did a split this week, which was fun. My companion is the district leader, so every week he does a split with someone in the district, which means I get to do one with their companion. He has done some before, but this was the first one with an Elder living on the other side of the island. There are 6 Elders on the island, 4 in my house then two on the other side. I got to go and live in the other house for a night with Elder Madsen, who is really funny. It was fun to mix things up, see the other side of the Pacific, and teach new people! Actually, all of the lessons fell through on the split, but we contacted a house and got a lesson set up, which was cool. It was fun!
Well we saw a pretty awesome miracle this week. There is one family, the Mousing family. There is the dad, the mom, then 4 daughters from 15 to 18. We taught them first two weeks ago. They didn't let us have another lesson for two weeks, and we were not super excited about their potential progression. The Mom seemed interested, but the dad not at all and we were worried he would keep his whole family from the gospel. Anyway, we show up for this lesson, and he is so excited! He opened up the Book of Mormon we gave him and I just about fell out of my chair. He had marked the heck out of it. No joke, he had a whole color coded key and it was probably 90 percent marked, and very specifically with lots of notes. That is unheard of from a Tahitian. He also had a paper front and back with questions for us. He said that at first he wasn't interested at all, that's why he put so much space between our lessons, but then one night he decided to start reading and read all through the night and into the morning! He already had prayed about it and knew it was true. He is so excited to keep meeting with us, and we are so excited because this family seems perfectly ready and I know that the gospel will bless them so much if they choose to partake of its blessings. Also, the best way I can describe this guy is Nacho Libre. The way he talks and his facial expressions, especially the eyebrow movements, are spot on, its great.
I think that about sums up my week. I think I got some pictures sent this week, so that's a plus! I just want to let you all know that I know there is so much power behind daily study of the Book of Mormon. Notice I said study, not reading. Reading it is great, but if we search for answers to questions in the Book of Mormon, we will always find them, and that's when the blessings and testimony really comes! Love you all, have a fantastic week! Do something to boost your testimony this week!
This was us boating out to a motu last P-day! |
Me at the motu, the member who took us out there does construction at the hotel, so we got to check that out!
This is the landing pad at the hotel from last weeks P-day trip. It seemed pretty cool, so ya. |
Caught quite the spider at home this week. |
This was the chapel 15 minutes after the fireside was supposed to start. We eventually got three people, and it started 40 minutes late. Not the best fireside, but the chapel is cool! |
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