And then there was one! / Sent July 22, 2019
Not gonna lie, I always wanted to title an email with that, but I never really got the chance. I figure since I have one week left, that works. And voila, this is gonna be the last email that you all get from me, so I'm gonna try to make it a good one. Alrighty, let's see, what inspirational stuff could I share from my two years in Tahiti. I'll make a list. 1) Well, that didn't quite inspire me like I thought it would, I guess I will just keep writing in paragraphs. Honestly, I can't put in words all that I have learned and felt, but the biggest thing that I need to share is how REAL the gospel is! I KNOW that Jesus Christ lives and that he atoned for all of our sins. Thanks to him we can be saved! We can live one day with our Heavenly Father and our families for all of eternity. And to help us follow the right path, our Savoir has restored his church on the earth and has called his prophet to guide us. All we need to do is keep the commandments, f...