And then there was one . . . Sent - March 12, 2018

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a great week! I just want to start out saying sorry!. The adapter thing for my camera is officially broken, so I don't know when I am gonna be able to send more pictures. Super sorry. Just look up a picture of Tahaa then imagine nerdy ol' me standing there eating some steak frites. Boom, no need for pictures from me. This week was pretty sweet. We got transfer calls! Normally transfer calls come Friday night, so Thursday I wasn't really thinking about the call. But that night when I was in the bathroom, we got called, and I missed it! Bummer. But the news is I'm staying in Haamene, which means I am gonna be breaking some records for staying on Tahaa forever, that's also the reason for the subject line, I outlasted everyone I came with. And I am also gonna be training! I am super excited for that. I feel like it is a big responsability, but I think I am ready for it, so I am pumped to get going with a new Elder!...